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How to Beat the Affiliate Competition

How to Beat the Affiliate Competition

This article will elaborate on how to establish an affiliate network of your own and increase your chances to find yourself among the top 20 winners who share a monthly prize pool.

Bitsgap affiliate competition is a non-stop race with thousands of dollars in USDT payouts. Every month, hundreds of participants — including both newcomers and experienced traders — engage in the competition with an ever-growing prizes.

To get the bigger picture, in July 2021, the prize pool totaled an astonishing USDT 6,500, and brought USDT 975 to the most active community member, at the time.

This article will elaborate on how to establish an affiliate network of your own and increase your chances to find yourself among the top 20 winners who share a monthly prize pool.

What Bitsgap affiliate program offers?

While most of the affiliate programs are targeted to benefit the platform itself and several major influencers, Bitsgap enables anyone to earn an extra coin without having a vast affiliate network or taking any promotional expenses.

Bitsgap affiliate program is known to be one of the most generous on the market, with its unprecedented referral payouts. Every time your referral purchases a paid plan, 30% of this payment goes to you.

And there is room for more revenue to collect. You will instantly get an extra USDT 10 for the first user who purchases a paid plan using your referral link. On top of that, introducing Bitsgap to 10 referrals will bring you USDT 25 more, after they enroll in a paid subscription.

Where to start?

Whether you are new to Bitsgap or already have some experience in using our crypto trading bots, to start benefiting from the affiliate program, you have to make sure your affiliate link is active.

With this, get your affiliate link, send it to your friends via email or social media channels, and let the trading bots do their thing. This link will allow your referrals to access Bitsgap PRO plan for 14 days to test the platform at full power. This is with no KYC, no hidden payments, and no trading limits.

How to build your affiliate network?

To answer this question, we reached out to James, who goes under the name Crypto Click on YouTube. By using Bitsgap, he has managed to increase his initial investments from a moderate $1,200 to a spectacular $50,000 and build a trading community of his own. You can read Crypto Click’s success story in a previously published blog post.

After having a second baby, James realized that he could no longer pay that much attention to trading as before. This pushed him to explore various means of automation of his daily trading activity. After testing several other bots for crypto trading, James joined Bitsgap in November 2020.

James shared his experience of using trading bots, with not only triumphs but mistakes as well:

“I featured Bitsgap on my YouTube channel showing my bot trades and strategies and set myself realistic profit goals which I would make video updates on once I achieved them. Although my channel is small, my viewers are what matter to me. I have a responsibility to provide them with useful and truthful content.”

What channels do successful influencers use?

Videos with detailed overviews of all actions taken with Bitsgap bots started gaining traction attracting people to James' YouTube channel and Telegram chat.

There, he explained the impetus behind his trades and the advantages of trading instruments he used to other crypto enthusiasts, who eventually decided to follow his steps and used his referral link to try Bitsgap.

“People in my Telegram chat room started to use Bitsgap and together we became more and more interested in setups and strategies amongst the community sharing our successes and failures. Having this chat also offers a further connection to me and the community which helps new users become more skilled at using the platform themselves.”

The regular supply of new videos combined with educational content provided by the Telegram group helped James build an active community, which has been expanding and evolving ever since.

Does aggressive advertising help attract referrals?

People tend to be skeptical of anything that is promoted aggressively. instead of spamming your referral links wherever possible (and take the risk to get banned for unwanted advertising), try to figure out what makes the product you are trying to promote so attractive and share this knowledge with like-minded people.

The crypto and blockchain community is still young and hungry for new educational content, new success stories, and new technologies that potentially can change the way people do their investments.

The secret that regularly pushes Crypto Click to the list of winners of the Bitsgap affiliate race is that he never focuses on advertising. Instead, he shares his achievements and helps other people avoid mistakes he made, in a consecutive and thoughtful manner.

“I don't feel that I outwardly promote Bitsgap or any other platform I use but simply show how and why I use it. If people see value in what I do then they are likely to try it. First and foremost I'm a trader who uses Bitsgap. Affiliate links are great but never my priority.
My intention is never to push any product into the viewers of my channel and only show things I use with guidance on how I use it. In the case of Bitsgap the bots speak for themself and affiliate links get clicked by people who truly understand what Bitsgap is doing and want to try it for themselves without any false promises of getting rich quick.”

Summing up the facts

To earn your first returns from the Bitsgap referral program, you don’t need to be a YouTube star with hundreds of thousands of subscribers across dozens of social media channels.

Inviting your first referral who enrolls in a paid plan will instantly bring you a USDT 10 bonus, along with 30% lifetime commissions from all future payments. More referrals equal more payouts equal higher rank in the monthly affiliate race.

Video content has proven itself to be one of the most effective ways of attracting new referrals. Influencers are actively exploring opportunities of platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram to build communities of engaged and highly motivated traders.

“My advice to anyone who wants to make income through affiliate links would be to help your viewers understand the use and value of the product. If you're just trying to make money out of people you're doing it for the wrong reasons and you'll probably fail at it. I show my trades, talk with my community and I am transparent the whole time.
I think people see this and trust that I'm not just looking to get affiliate links clicked. But if and when they do get clicked I'm very grateful and happy to assist people to continue using Bitsgap as a valuable addition to their trading strategies.”

Follow Crypto Click on YouTube and Telegram, to learn how to promote Bitsgap by doing what you like and discover new trading strategies that have allowed him to build a community that lasts.

Get your affiliate link, and start earning with the Bitsgap affiliate program today. Follow us on YouTube, Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter to get the latest updates on trading bots and receive fresh content updates and key industry insights.

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