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/Account & Security/Security/How to Fix the "Wrong Authorization Device" Error

How to Fix the "Wrong Authorization Device" Error

The "Wrong Authorization Device" error is a security feature to protect your Bitsgap account. This error typically occurs when logging in from a new device or browser.

Follow These Steps

1. Login Attempt and Email Confirmation

  • Go to the Bitsgap login page and log in with your credentials.
  • A login confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address.

2. Open the Confirmation Email

  • On the same device and browser where you initiated the login attempt, open your inbox.
  • Look for the latest Bitsgap email containing the verification link.

Note: Ensure you are using the same device and browser where the login was attempted. Opening the link on a different device or browser will not work and will result in an error.

3. Verify and Re-Login

  • Click the confirmation link in the email. You will be redirected to the Bitsgap login page.
  • Enter your credentials again to access your account.

Troubleshooting Tip

If you don’t see the confirmation email, consult Bitsgap’s article on missing emails, or check your spam/junk folder.

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Need Assistance?

If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Bitsgap Customer Support Team.