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/Payments & Subscription/Subscription/What is auto-renewal?

What is auto-renewal?

Auto-renewal allows you to automatically prolong your subscription without making any payments manually. It is enabled automatically after you purchase a plan. This is a very handy feature as you do not have to keep track of your subscription expiration date.

The auto-renewal feature is available only when paying with a credit/debit card or PayPal.

How to cancel recurring payments?

However, there are some cases when auto-renewal is not needed. For instance, you would like to use the paid plan for one month without further renewal. Here are a few steps on how to cancel your recurring payments:

1. Log into your Bitsgap account.

2. Navigate the mouse cursor to your profile icon and go to the Manage plans page.


3. Cancel your auto-renewal by clicking the [Cancel auto-renewal of subscription] button.


Now it is canceled! The paid plan will remain active until the expiration date, even after the auto-renewal feature is disabled. Cancellation of your recurring payments will not affect your bots or orders; they will remain active until the end of the paid period.

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