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How to create and set up Kucoin API key

This article will show you how to create, configure, and connect your Kucoin API key to the Bitsgap platform.

Bitsgap is a trading platform that allows you to work with numerous cryptocurrency exchanges from a unified interface with access to additional tools that are unavailable on the exchange.

All trading operations are created and processed using an exchange API key unique for every user. An API key is a safe and reliable way to use a platform because it does not give access to your personal data and prevents any funds management (withdrawals & deposits).

1. Log in to Kucoin

Log in to your Kucoin account or create a new one.


2. Go to the API Keys page

From your account settings (top-right corner), navigate to the API Management page.


3. Set up your Security Settings

If you signed up for the first time, KuCoin will ask you to enable Two-factor Authorization and set up a Trading password:


4. Go to Bitsgap > My Exchanges page

Log in to your Bitsgap account, go to the My Exchanges page, and click the [Add new exchange] button to continue.


5. Select Kucoin from the list and copy Bitsgap IP addresses

To get the list of trusted IPs, click on the "Copy" icon and save the addresses somewhere safe (in a notepad, for example). We will need these IPs later when setting up your API permissions.


6. Create an API key

Go back to Kucoin and click on the [Create API] button to set up your API key.

7. Label your API key and match API key permissions

In the API-based trading section, give your API key any name (it is your personal choice), so you can easily understand that this key is connected to your Bitsgap account.

Please note that you will need to create an API Passphrase at this stage. This password is individual for each API key. Save it somewhere safe because we will need it a little bit later.

Then, edit your permissions as in the example below. These permissions will allow us to read your history and current balance and execute trades on your exchange account.

Here is the list of required permissions:

  1. General on (active by default);
  2. Trade on;
  3. Optional: Futures on (needed if trading futures on Bitsgap);
  4. IP Restriction: Yes (insert the IPs copied from the My Exchanges tab);
  5. Click [Add] to save the pasted IP addresses;
  6. When ready, hit [Next].

All other permissions should be disabled.

image (9).png

Inactive Kucoin API keys with unrestricted IP access get automatically deactivated and deleted by the exchange after 60 days. And to re-activate trading, you will need to create a new key from scratch.

8. Insert all the codes for the Security Verification

Fill out your Trading password, Email verification code, and 2FA code, then click the [Confirm] button.


9. Copy your API key and Secret key

Your Kucoin trading key is successfully created and ready to be connected to our platform! Please, copy your API key and Secret key somewhere safe before you add them to Bitsgap.

Your API key is black and located under the API name tab. Your Secret key is red and shown only once.


10. Go back to Bitsgap > My Exchanges

In the pop-up window, do the following:

  1. Select the Kucoin exchange.
  2. Paste your API key.
  3. Paste your Secret key.
  4. Add your Passphrase.
  5. Click [Connect].

11. Connection check

If everything is done correctly, you will see Kucoin added to the list of your connected exchanges with the Connected status and the trading balance available on your account.

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