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/FAQ/Trading Bots/Track statuses and results of active bots fast

Track statuses and results of active bots fast

Monitoring your trading bots' performance is crucial for making quick, informed decisions. With Bitsgap, you can track all key metrics from a single page, saving time while gaining a comprehensive understanding of your bots’ activities. This guide explains how to interpret and utilize these metrics to optimize your trading strategy effectively.


Key Metrics to Monitor

1. Current Value of Active Bots

The Current Value indicates the total value of funds managed by each bot, combining both the base and quote currencies:

Value = (Base currency x current price) + Quote currency


  • Features:
    • Add funds to your GRID or BTD Bots using the plus button.
    • Adjust the Isolated Margin for COMBO and DCA Futures Bots using the same feature.
    • The Current Value can be displayed in your account’s default currency or the bot’s profit currency.


Benefit: Sort bots by value to quickly identify where most of your funds are allocated.

2. Total PNL (Profit and Loss)

The Total PNL shows how the value of the funds used to create a bot has changed over time, accounting for:

  • Bot Profit: Generated through continuous buy and sell orders.
  • Market Price Changes: Reflecting fluctuations in the base currency's value.


Insight: Total PNL helps you evaluate your current investment. It represents the outcome if you decided to close the bot and sell or buy back the base currency at the market price.

3. Bot Profit and Performance Metrics

Bot Profit: This is the total earnings from the bot’s executed orders, already added to your available balance.

  • Bot Profit Percentage (%): Calculated based on the initial investment allocated to the bot.

Average Daily Bot Profit (%):

  • Measures your bot’s daily performance relative to the trading time.
  • Helpful for comparing bots with similar trading durations.

Tip: Bots with shorter trading times may appear more profitable initially, so ensure fair comparisons by aligning their durations.

4. Status Column

  • Provides a real-time snapshot of each bot’s state.
  • Allows you to take immediate corrective action if needed.

Overall Results Across Active Bots

At the top of the page, you’ll find a summary of all active bots' performance, which includes:

  • Sum. Current Value: The total value of funds currently managed by all bots.
  • Sum. Bot Profit: The combined profit generated by all active bots, already added to your balance.


Benefit: These summaries provide a bird’s-eye view of your entire bot portfolio, making it easy to assess your overall trading success.

Need Assistance?
If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Bitsgap Customer Support Team.