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/FAQ/Trading Bots/Monitor bot's performance in the detailed view window

Monitor bot's performance in the detailed view window

The Detailed View window provides a comprehensive overview of your bot’s real-time performance, allowing you to track its profitability, asset allocation, and how market movements impact your funds.

This window also displays trading duration, charts, transaction history, average daily profit, and the balance between quote and base currencies in open orders.

How to Access the Detailed View Window

To open the bot information panel:

  1. Navigate to the Bots page.
  2. Select the bot you want to analyze.


You will find the Performance window on the right-hand side. This section allows you to evaluate your bot’s effectiveness and analyze its performance in detail.

Each section of the Performance window provides key insights into your bot's activity, helping you determine whether to keep it running or adjust its settings.

1. Analyze Profit & Market Impact

This section displays your bot’s accumulated profit, daily earnings, and the impact of market price fluctuations on your position.


  • Bot Profit – The total profit generated by the bot (after trading fees), which is automatically added to your available balance.
  • Average Daily Profit – This metric divides the total bot profit by the total trading duration to provide insight into daily performance.
  • Position PNL (Profit & Loss) – Reflects the unrealized profit or loss due to changes in the base currency price. The final value depends on whether the bot is closed or remains active.

Viewing Profit Data

You can visualize the bot’s profit using:

  • Line Chart – Displays cumulative bot profit over time.
  • Bar Graph – Shows realized profit for selected timeframes.

To switch between charts, click the graph icon in the top right corner:

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Available Timeframes

You can analyze bot performance over different intervals using the following options:

  • 1d (Hourly Chart) – Last 24 hours.
  • 1w (Daily Chart) – Last 7 days.
  • 1m (Daily Chart) – Last 31 days.
  • All (Monthly Chart) – Displays monthly data if the bot has been running for over a month.

💡 Tip:

  • A flat line on the line chart suggests the bot has stopped generating profit, possibly because it went out of range.
  • Thin or disappearing bars on the bar chart indicate reduced trading activity or an idle bot due to market conditions.

2. Monitor Position Status

The Position section provides key details about the bot’s open orders, including:

  • Position PNL – The current unrealized profit or loss, displayed both as an absolute value and a percentage.
  • Amount – The total funds allocated to open orders.
  • Entry Price – The average price at which the bot has accumulated the base currency.

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3. Evaluate Asset Allocation & Order Balances

The Asset Allocation section helps you track:

  • Base & Quote Currency Distribution – The ratio of funds in open orders.
  • Total Profit – The accumulated realized profit since the bot was launched.
  • Current Position – The amount of base currency held in open orders.
  • Orders – The amount of quote currency allocated in open orders.

Visualizing Asset Allocation

You can switch between the pie chart and line diagram by clicking the icons in the top right corner:

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💡 Key Insights:

  • If the bot holds more quote currency (e.g., USDT) and less base currency (e.g., BTC), it means that sell orders have been executed as the price has increased.
  • If the bot holds more base currency and less quote currency, it means that buy orders have been executed as the price has dropped.
  • If the bot holds only base or only quote currency, it has likely moved out of the trading range, and manual adjustments may be required.

4. Track Trading Activity & Duration

The General Info section provides:

  • The number of completed transactions.
  • The total trading time since the bot was launched.

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Need Assistance?
If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Bitsgap Customer Support Team.