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/Bitsgap Release Notes/December 2024/Release Version 2.0.63

Release Version 2.0.63

Last week, we concentrated on delivering key improvements to the platform's functionality and resolving issues reported by our users. Our updates aim to provide a more intuitive experience, with enhanced features and fixes to ensure seamless interactions with the platform.


Bot Orders: TD/TU Status

  • Added statuses TD and TU to the Actions column in the bot orders modal window.
    • Users can now independently verify if TD/TU executed or calculate how much was deducted from the balance without contacting support.
    • More informative display of order types for GRID bots in the Bot Orders window.

Bot Orders: Date & Time

  • In the Date & Time column of the Bot Orders list, time is now displayed with precision down to seconds.

Actions: Tooltips

  • Added tooltips for order types in the Actions column.

Actions: Expansion Order Type

  • Added the display of the Expansion order type in the Actions list of Bot Orders.


Bot History: No Bots Message

  • Improved the message displayed when no bots are available in the list.
    • The updated message encourages users to adjust the date range in filters.

Bot Orders: Horizontal Scroll

  • Fixed a visual bug where a horizontal scroll appeared in the Bot Orders list when a broken order was present.

Bot List: Sum Current Value

  • Fixed the display of Sum, current value.
    • The value now matches what bots display in their individual current value.

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